The resource links below may be of interest to individuals seeking disability related information. For additional links, go to The Arc of the United States website at www.thearc.org.
- Epilepsy Foundation of Idaho
- Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities
- Idaho Department of Health & Welfare
- Idaho Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Idaho Parents Unlimited
- Idaho State Council on Independent Living
- Idaho Task Force on the ADA
- Social Security
- Idaho Center for Assisted Technology
- Disability Rights Idaho
- Idaho Legal Aid Services
- Brain Injury Association of Idaho
- Treasure Valley Autism Society
- The Arc US
- Ability Idaho One
- Idaho Association of Developmental Disability Agencies
- United Cerebral Palsy
- Autism Speaks
- Autism Now
- Linc Idaho